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The Confession by Beverly Lewis

"Katie Lapp's identity had been shattered the moment she found the satin baby dress in the attic of her parents' Amish home.  Painfully torn from her close-knit community in the frightening ordeal called the shunning, Katie...sets out to find the ailing birth mother she has never known."
                                                          --taken from the back

Hangman's Curse (The Veritas Project V. 1) by Frank Peretti

From the back cover:  "They're not hard to recognize...they're the ones you can't find.  They operate undercover.  Blink and you'll miss them.  They could be anyone, anywhere...even the person walking by you right now. 
They're the Veritas Project team--but only a handful of people know who they really are....Their job is to find out not only what happened, but why--the 'veritas' (Latin word for truth) behind today's hottest issues."

Life Support by Robert Whitlow

New addition from the author of The List, The Trial, and The Sacrifice.  Taken from the back cover:  Alexia Lindale knows her new case is a matter of life and death.  She knows it could wreck her career.  But she doesn't have a clue what it will do to her heart...and her soul.  (Life Support is) a twisting tale of tough decisions, mixed motives, and mysterious, healing grace.