Welcome to First Christian Church
Southern IL Christian Convention


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Theme:  "In His Image--Again"
March 11-13, 2003
Calumet Christian Church in Centralia, IL
Keynote Speaker:  Knofel Staton of Hope Int'l Univ., Fullerton, CA
Featuring Workshop Leaders
Robert Kurka (Lincoln Christian College)
Dr. Michael Pabarcus (St. Louis Christian College)
Jeff Noel (Harvest Prayer Ministries)
Sessions for Children each evening
Senior Citizens Luncheon on Wed. morning
Secretary's Workshop on Wed. morning
Youth Session on Wed. night
Pastors and Their Wives Dinner on Thurs. Afternoon

SICC Registration is due March 7.  It is $3 for individuals and $6 for families ($5 if postmarked by March 1.)  There will be an additional $5 charge for the senior citizen lunch and $10 charge for the secretary workshop lunch if one chooses to attend either of those events.  Please list names of all attending & mail, with payment, to SICC, c/o Gilbert Daniels, 4797 N. Cherryville Ln., Bonnie, IL  62816.  Also include name and location of your home church.

Schedule of Events
Tuesday, March 11:  6:15pm--Evening Workshops
                                    7pm--Main Session with Chuch Smith presiding
                                              Jr. & Sr. High Session, also
Wednesday, March 12:  10am--Secretary's Luncheon
                                          11am--Seniors' Luncheon
                                          6:15pm--Evening Workshops
                                          7pm--Main Session with John Willis
                                                    presiding and Knofel Staton speaking
Thursday, March 13:  10am-4pm--Blueprint Seminar from CDF
                                     6:15pm--Evening Workshops
                                     7pm--Main Session with Bill Campbell
                                               presiding and Knofel Staton speaking
There will be a nursery and a children's program during the evening workshops and main sessions.  The nursery is for those aged birth to 2 yrs. old.  The children's program is for 3-yr.-olds to 5th grade.