Schedule of Events
Tuesday, March 11: 6:15pm--Evening Workshops
7pm--Main Session with Chuch Smith presiding
Jr. & Sr. High Session, also
Wednesday, March 12: 10am--Secretary's Luncheon
11am--Seniors' Luncheon
6:15pm--Evening Workshops
7pm--Main Session with John Willis
presiding and Knofel Staton speaking
Thursday, March 13: 10am-4pm--Blueprint Seminar from CDF
6:15pm--Evening Workshops
7pm--Main Session with Bill Campbell
presiding and Knofel Staton speaking
There will be a nursery and a children's program during the evening workshops and main sessions. The nursery is for those aged birth to 2 yrs. old. The children's program is for 3-yr.-olds to 5th grade.